The vegan brand GURU MTP wants to be as transparent as possible about manufacturing costs because it believes that the more the consumer is informed about what they are buying, the fairer the market will be, for the producer, for the animals and for the environment.
This is why you have access here to all the information on prices, materials, location and even commercial margin.
Factory : Carmen Salas, Petrel, Spain
Top Material
Composition: Pineapple leaf fiber + Finish
Trade name: Piñatex
Manufacturer: Ananas Anam
Country: Philippines & Spain
Cost per pair: €15
Lining Material
Composition: 50% Nylon + 50% Polyurethane
Trade name: Corium breathable lining
Manufacturer: Textilin
Country: Spain
Cost per pair: €7
Composition: 100% Polyurethane
Manufacturer: Prefabricados Cuirtec
Country: Spain
Cost per pair: €4
Accessories – Lace
Composition: 80% Cotton + 20% Nylon
Manufacturer: Maype
Country: Spain
Cost per pair: €2
Manufacturing cost : €10
Factory margin : €7
Labor time : From cutting the materials to boxing, 2 full days for 120 pairs manufactured.
Composition: Recycled paper
Cost: €1.50
Total factory cost: €46.50
Transportation from factory to storage area
Cost per pair: €1
GURU Margin
We apply a margin of 2.15 on the total factory cost to the Tapir model, this gives us €53.50 to finance our fixed and variable costs. Below you will find the details of the costs per pair of shoes, estimated on the basis of thirty pairs sold per month:
Bank commission, e.g. Paypal: €2.84
Accounting: €6.14
Professional bank account: €0.95
Legal: €0.47
Material sample: €0.47
Supplies and documentation: €0.66
Computer hardware, software, photo accessories: €2.08
Packaging: €2.50
Merchant site: €0.66
Salons: €2.84
Photo shoot: €2.52
Travel costs : €1.58
Taxes and duties : €1.26
Total cost of charges : €24.97
Social charges : €5.3
Net salary (two people) : €23.23
French VAT 20% : €20
Customer price : €120